Airodump CSV Tools
This is a program I wrote to analyze one or more Airodump CSV files and provide more useful output.
- Merges the CSV files into one CSV file, html file, or text file, keeping the APs and Stations together.
- Has options to only show APs and Stations that are new or old in the last file you import.
- Optional text output for cron, etc.
- Adds manufacturer info (OUI) to APs and end devices, and the ESSID (if applicable) to end devices, in
text/html output modes.
- Adds GPS info captured from optional Android app
This program is provided as-is without warranty. Use it at your own risk.
View Readme (strongly recommended)
Download v0.5
Download v0.4
Download v0.3
Download v0.2
GPSLog Android App (APK)
GPSLog Android App (Source)